Yet another good adventure for the IY 11.98: Massimo Romeo Piparo's Guardamago II is Italian ORC 2023 champion and on the second step of the podium goes Enzo De Blasio with the sistership Scugnizza. And it is not that there were no worthy opponents, quite the contrary. Certainly between the two IY 11.98s the fight was tight and alternating and in the end Guardamago II prevailed by only one point. For Massimo Romeo Piparo "the good result is the result of working with the crew that did not miss a beat. Also because a mistake with these opponents risks paying very dearly. Concentration and preparation of the team, sun a right medium, are the ingredients for success." "First of all, Marina di Carrara proved to be a perfect location with excellent organization and a committee that took advantage of every opportunity, making us have fun but always in safety, completing the scheduled trials," says Daniele De Tullio. "The regattas were very close, until the end where in the utlima regattas the games were still open. For my part double satisfaction to have two boats on the podium in a fleet with very competitive boats and very small gaps. From the result you can also see the work of IYSquadraCorse that works so that all the owners have the same chance to win, encouraging the sharing of data, feelings and comments so that all our teams can grow, to be able to reserce and have fun with a medium that allows you to be at the top of the rankings.".On the sea close battles, but on land ? "A good atmosphere, with comments and comparisons every night over a cold beer. It's good to see that a real community is being created among our owners and crews.". closes De Tullio. For the record, Angelo Lobinu's IY 11.98 Geex also did well, which, although not at the top of the rankings, was protaginist of some nice comebacks on the most formidable opponents.